Monday, November 21, 2011


I have to share a little story about how bad my reading comprehension can be sometimes!!

 Last week I decided to make Paleo Chipolte Meatballs with Guacamole that I found on the ever-so-great ( awesome website that I am addicted to!) So I go to Whole Foods and have the website pulled up. They have these great tabs that show you pictures of some of the ingredients in case you don't know what they are...brilliant!! So I find all the ingredients with the help of the pictures...being a hairstylist I LOVE pictures. Get home make the meatballs and ohh do they smell De-Lish!! I can hardly wait to eat them they are making my house smell soo good! So finally the time comes I take my first bite and WHOOOAAAA girl that is hot!! My nose is running, eyes watering, mouth on FIRE!!

Thinking I'm just a major sissy I strain out the meatballs from the sauce...they are covered in pepper seeds so I wipe them off. I go ahead and make a plain tomato sauce thinking this might cool them off...WRONG again...mouth still on fire...can't even stand to eat another bite.

It wasn't until I woke up in the middle of the night and thought Ohhh shit Lauren the recipe said 3 chipotle peppers in adoba sauce and when I pulled up the picture it was a can of peppers. Instead of taking out 3 peppers I put in 3 CANS of peppers, that's 21 oz of chipolte peppers!!!! No wonder I felt like I was on man vs food while trying to eat them!!

Well I had to share because I thought it was too funny not to. If you would like to try the peppers I bet they are great if made right! Here's the link to the website- and remember only 3 peppers from the can NOT 3 CANS!!!!!

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