Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Surviving the cold weather blues

Man these past few days have been so gloomy! Cold weather and rain are not my thing at all, I don't think there is enough vitamin D in the world to get me through the winter luckily I did find some delicious comfort Paleo food to brighten my spirits!

I stayed in all day Sunday and Monday trying to hide from the weather and hooked on reading other peoples blogs, in the process I found my new girl crush...yes I did say it girl crush! This girl is awesome. Her blog is filled with amazing recipes and great humor....you must check her out at http://www.paleomg.com/. I am seriously obsessed!

She had recently posted about her Paleo Chicken Bacon Alfredo and I just simply had to try it! I thought this would be the perfect day to invite my Dad over for dinner, he wasn't to appetized by the sound of it and decided not to join me. His LOSE and more for me! :) Then for desert I found an amazing gluten free-dairy free-as close to paleo brownie recipe you are going to find! Now I must share both of these with you...hope everyone enjoys them as much as I did!

Paleo Chicken Bacon Alfredo

What you need-
  • 1 spaghetti squash
  • 1 larger delicata squash
  • 1 lb chicken breast
  • 4 slices bacon, diced
  • 1/2 cup canned coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • 1 teaspoon parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon thyme
  • salt and pepper, to taste
What to do-
  1. Preheat oven to 450
  2. Cut spaghetti squash and delicata squash in half and spoon out seeds and loose insides
  3. Get out 2 baking sheets  (put down foil if you want and easier clean up) on one put squash face down and on the other put chicken with a little olive oil, basil, and salt &pepper.
  4. Bake Squash and Chicken for approximately 20-25 minutes
  5. When you have a few minutes left for the squash throw chopped bacon on the stove in a saute pan and cook when done take out with slotted spoon and leave grease in pan
  6. Once your squash is done cooking, pull it out of the oven, dethread the spaghetti squash into a large bowl with a fork.
  7. Take your delicata squash and hollow it out. Put into your warm skillet filled with bacon grease. Then add your coconut milk. You may need to add a little bit more coconut milk depending on how runny you like your sauce. Mix thoroughly with a ladle to break up the squash
  8. Add seasonings to the mix and salt and pepper as needed. Mix thoroughly and cook on low for about 5 minutes to simmer.
  9. Dice up your cooked chicken.
  10. Pour sauce over spaghetti squash and add your chicken to the mix.
  11. Mix it up then top it off with your bacon
  12. Enjoy!!!
Now for Brownies!!! YUMMM!

What you need-
  • 2 cups almond butter (16oz)
  • 2 eggs (cage free, organic)
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 C maple syrup
  • 1/2 C Agave Nectar
  • 1/4 C Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp organic baking soda
  • 6oz unsweetened dark chocolate or dairy free semi sweet chocolate chips
  • optional add chopped up walnuts or anything else you might want
What you do-
  1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees
  2. Melt Chocolate in double boiler or if you are not good at that like me use microwave!! Then let cool for several minutes
  3. Mix all ingredients together with electric mixer
  4. After you have them nice and mixed up Spoon into greased mini muffin cups or into regular brownie dish
  5. Bake at 350 degrees for about 11-15 minutes. Bake longer for cake consistency or if not using mini muffin pan!
  6. Then NOMM NOMM eat 'em up ..or share them whatever your little heart desires!


Karen said...

Lauren, do you add the spaghetti squash or pour the sauce over it?

LB said...

Karen you're going to pour the sauce over the spaghetti squash& chicken then add bacon on top of sauce.