Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My new favorite!

I'm only a day off getting back to post my new all time favorite recipe!! During my "cooking therapy" I discovered one of the easiest and most delicious meals that I have made so far. I thought it looked pretty (others disagreed! blind I'm sure) but tasted even 100X better! It also made a large amount,  which was great for left overs! So I'm just going to get to it...another great recipe I found from but tweaked a little bit to make it my own!

Chicken Pistachio Pesto Pasta

What you Need-

1 Large Spaghetti Squash
1 lb Chicken breast Sliced
1 cup pistachios, unsalted and SHELLED!
Approx. 40g of Fresh Basil
2 Garlic Cloves
1/2- 1 cup Olive Oil
Juice of 1 Lemon
A few Sun dried Tomatoes, sliced, to make dish even prettier and more delicious!

What you do-
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees
Cut Spaghetti Squash in half, spoon out seeds and extra threads in center
Place spaghetti squash on in dish or on cooking sheet
Bake squash for 20-25 mins, you want the squash you to be softer to touch but not mushy

While squash is cooking cut up chicken breast, heat large skillet over medium heat and start to cook chicken

Now onto the pesto ...
in food processor put in pistachios and pulse
Then add in your garlic and basil and turn the processor on
While processor is still on slowly add in olive oil to your pesto performance of consistency
Once you've found your perfect consistency (maybe even a little thicker than you would like it)
add in the juice of one lemon

When your chicken is almost fully cooked add in your pesto to the skillet and continue to cook chicken. (you may need to lower the heat a little bit)
Let Squash cool a little before using your fork to pull out the inside (going against the grain makes it easier)
Then mix all together, top with sun dried tomatoes & a few little pistachios
Yum Enjoy!!!!

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