Friday, February 24, 2012

Breakfast Delight!

Not being a morning person means breakfast is always the hardest for me. Most days I don't have time to cook something that needs my full attention! So I found this "recipe", if you can even call it that its so simple, egg stuffed avocado. It was so simple and delicious and you can do whatever you have to do while its cooking in the oven!

Egg Stuffed Avocado

All you need is an avocado, 2 eggs per avocado, and whatever else you want to top it with.
I topped mine with a pinch of Garlic Powder, pinch of Onion Powder, Pepper, and a little squeeze of lemon.
Cast iron skillet or All stainless steel skillet

All you have to do is place skillet in oven & preheat to 425 degrees
Cut avocado in half and remove pit
Crack egg into avocado where the pit was ( I cracked mine in a bowl first and scramble)
Top with whatever your little heart desires
Place avocados in skillet that has been heating up in the oven
Cook till your eggs are how you like them...I like my eggs cooked thoroughly so I left them in the over for about 25-30 minutes. If you like them runnier I would do about 20 minutes.

Take out and Enjoy!!!

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