Friday, February 24, 2012

Breakfast Delight!

Not being a morning person means breakfast is always the hardest for me. Most days I don't have time to cook something that needs my full attention! So I found this "recipe", if you can even call it that its so simple, egg stuffed avocado. It was so simple and delicious and you can do whatever you have to do while its cooking in the oven!

Egg Stuffed Avocado

All you need is an avocado, 2 eggs per avocado, and whatever else you want to top it with.
I topped mine with a pinch of Garlic Powder, pinch of Onion Powder, Pepper, and a little squeeze of lemon.
Cast iron skillet or All stainless steel skillet

All you have to do is place skillet in oven & preheat to 425 degrees
Cut avocado in half and remove pit
Crack egg into avocado where the pit was ( I cracked mine in a bowl first and scramble)
Top with whatever your little heart desires
Place avocados in skillet that has been heating up in the oven
Cook till your eggs are how you like them...I like my eggs cooked thoroughly so I left them in the over for about 25-30 minutes. If you like them runnier I would do about 20 minutes.

Take out and Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My new favorite!

I'm only a day off getting back to post my new all time favorite recipe!! During my "cooking therapy" I discovered one of the easiest and most delicious meals that I have made so far. I thought it looked pretty (others disagreed! blind I'm sure) but tasted even 100X better! It also made a large amount,  which was great for left overs! So I'm just going to get to it...another great recipe I found from but tweaked a little bit to make it my own!

Chicken Pistachio Pesto Pasta

What you Need-

1 Large Spaghetti Squash
1 lb Chicken breast Sliced
1 cup pistachios, unsalted and SHELLED!
Approx. 40g of Fresh Basil
2 Garlic Cloves
1/2- 1 cup Olive Oil
Juice of 1 Lemon
A few Sun dried Tomatoes, sliced, to make dish even prettier and more delicious!

What you do-
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees
Cut Spaghetti Squash in half, spoon out seeds and extra threads in center
Place spaghetti squash on in dish or on cooking sheet
Bake squash for 20-25 mins, you want the squash you to be softer to touch but not mushy

While squash is cooking cut up chicken breast, heat large skillet over medium heat and start to cook chicken

Now onto the pesto ...
in food processor put in pistachios and pulse
Then add in your garlic and basil and turn the processor on
While processor is still on slowly add in olive oil to your pesto performance of consistency
Once you've found your perfect consistency (maybe even a little thicker than you would like it)
add in the juice of one lemon

When your chicken is almost fully cooked add in your pesto to the skillet and continue to cook chicken. (you may need to lower the heat a little bit)
Let Squash cool a little before using your fork to pull out the inside (going against the grain makes it easier)
Then mix all together, top with sun dried tomatoes & a few little pistachios
Yum Enjoy!!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cooking Therapy

So I always hear people talk about "retail therapy" I've tried it...not for me. It only makes me more upset and more anxious....either because I didn't find anything I liked or because I spent way to much money!! So today needing some serious therapeutic help I decided to try "Cooking therapy" I went to the grocery store and got enough ingredients to make about 4 recipes I've been wanting to try. I decided to start out with two...then just have a little wine therapy to end the night! :) I ended up having two HUGE Successes so I would say my therapy session was for the most part a success!!

It has been a little bit since I have posted so ofcourse I have tons of great recipes I would love to share with you from the past 2 months but first I am going to post part of today's amazingness!! The first will be the Paleo Blueberry Muffins and then I'll be back tomorrow to post the Pesto Chicken "Pasta" both of which I found from the amazing Juli at if you haven't checked her blog out. You must do so now!!! She also posts all her goodies on Facebook and Twitter!

Blueberry Muffins!

What you need-

1 Cup almond Butter
1 cup Almond meal
3 eggs
1/2 cup Raw Honey (I was out so I used Agave Nectar)
1/3 cup Unsweetended Shredded Coconut
1/3 cup Virgin Coconut Oil, Melted!!
1/2 Tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
pinch of cinnamon
1/2 cup fresh blueberries (I threw in a few extra!!)

What you do-
First Pre heat your oven to 350 degrees
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. You can mix wet and dry seperate I personally mixed wet first then added dry to save dishes!!
Place mix in muffin cups inside muffin tin. My mix made 9 muffins.
Bake for 15-20mins!!
NOM NOM Enjoy!!!
Great to make for the week!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Now that things have settled down from the holidays, I thought I would get back to sharing recipes. I have so many good ones I tried through out December that I am dying to share! This one in particular was made for my brother and his family, we love love LOVE buckeyes during the holidays. So I was searching for a treat that would be paleo friendly and still taste good, although these are no buckeyes they sure are tasty and super easy.
Chocolate Covered Date Truffles
(don't be fooled...everyone that told me they "hate" dates LOVED them!!)

What you need-

8 Medjool Dates
Cold Almond Butter
1/4 cup Agave Nectar
1/4 cup Coconut oil or butter (at warm room temp. has to been liquid)
3-4 tbls Cacao Powder
1/4 tsp Vanilla
Shredded Coconut (optional)

What you do-

With a sharp small knife cut slit dates, while keeping them in tact, remove pit
stuff date with almond butter and close back up

In a small bowl mix together Agave, coconut oil/butter, cacao powder, and vanilla
you will have to work fast and dip your dates in till covered (if agave is cold it will harder the coconut oil extremely fast!)
put covered dates on wax paper
I sprinkled half mine with shredded coconut
Put in Fridge for about 5 minutes
Then enjoy!!
Great snack and great for the chocolate or sweets cravings!!

It definitely won't take me as long as last time to get back with more I can't wait to try my Beef, Carrot, and Sweet Potato Stew that's cooking in the crock pot right now to see if its blog worthy!!