Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You are what you Eat

Starting my life change has been great...hard, frustrating, and expensive...but great at the same time! In my last post I talked about making changes to better myself, my diet was a big thing that had to change. My weekly menu consisted of pizza, tacos, ice cream, chips & cheese, etc.

After being in the hospital I decided to make a change I had been trying to talk myself into for a year....trying Paleo. (if unfamiliar you can check out or

I have been doing this for about a month I am definitely still a beginner. Paleo has been great to me so far, I still have energy and I'm definitely not going hungry. To say its a piece of cake would be a is definitely a battle to stay away from your favorite foods and to not go for convenience. Being a hairstylist makes eating healthy a challenge because of the different schedule I must plan everything in advance or else I won't be eating dinner till midnight! But once I got on track of planning I am loving it! Losing weight in the first week, not feeling bloated, I don't feel sick from eating too much are just a few of the great things I have noticed. Also my skin looks better already. Eating lots of fruits and veggies is a big change for me but all the vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants are amazing!

My favorite thing about Paleo is how much I get to cook!! Cooking is one of my favorite things to do, and I have found some really amazing recipes from the Paleo Cookbook, Everyday Paleo book, and from lots of great Paleo blogs. So far I have made No Pasta Lasagna, Bean less Chili, Mini Breakfast Quiches, and lots more things. I look forward to sharing my recipes and yummy meals with everyone!!

Now for all those people who ask, "ehh how long are you going to do that diet?" my answer to you  is until I decide I want to take blood pressure medicine, beta blockers, and cholesterol meds everyday of my life or when I decide I want to have a massive heart attack in the next year.

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