Monday, September 19, 2011

Learning to Embrace Change

The past few months have been an eye opening experience for me. On my 24th birthday I was in the hospital with the blood pressure of a heart attack or stroke victim. How is that someone of my age and weight could be going through something like was a mystery to not only me but also to all of the doctors and nurses. Going through every test & multiple doctors visits with no answers was extremely stressful, annoying, uncomforting, mentally & physically draining.
After a couple months full of doctors visits, tests, and multiple prescriptions with no diagnosis I have decided to take things into my own hands... I have now decided to change my life and my body without the help of pill pushing doctors. With the advice of my brother and sister in law I have decided to change my diet, workout, and hope to just live healthier and happier.

CHANGE. A word I was never afraid of until the past few years, as a young adult I embraced change...loved it even! Wanted to change my hair every week, moved around every 6 months, moved away to college alone just for a CHANGE. Now I am afraid to cut my hair, get anxiety when a web page changes, or anytime there is a sudden change with anything. I have decided its time to embrace the change again and learn to love it! This picture I saw today was inspiring and made me think change is good and sometimes you have to put all the fear behind you in order to get something great.  

So I have decided to start this blog to talk about the experiences I have while making these awesome life changes...Here's to becoming a butterfly!!

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