Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Now that things have settled down from the holidays, I thought I would get back to sharing recipes. I have so many good ones I tried through out December that I am dying to share! This one in particular was made for my brother and his family, we love love LOVE buckeyes during the holidays. So I was searching for a treat that would be paleo friendly and still taste good, although these are no buckeyes they sure are tasty and super easy.
Chocolate Covered Date Truffles
(don't be fooled...everyone that told me they "hate" dates LOVED them!!)

What you need-

8 Medjool Dates
Cold Almond Butter
1/4 cup Agave Nectar
1/4 cup Coconut oil or butter (at warm room temp. has to been liquid)
3-4 tbls Cacao Powder
1/4 tsp Vanilla
Shredded Coconut (optional)

What you do-

With a sharp small knife cut slit dates, while keeping them in tact, remove pit
stuff date with almond butter and close back up

In a small bowl mix together Agave, coconut oil/butter, cacao powder, and vanilla
you will have to work fast and dip your dates in till covered (if agave is cold it will harder the coconut oil extremely fast!)
put covered dates on wax paper
I sprinkled half mine with shredded coconut
Put in Fridge for about 5 minutes
Then enjoy!!
Great snack and great for the chocolate or sweets cravings!!

It definitely won't take me as long as last time to get back with more I can't wait to try my Beef, Carrot, and Sweet Potato Stew that's cooking in the crock pot right now to see if its blog worthy!!